Valerie Presley

Valerie Presley


    “Casual Dating” Exposed

    Dating with no intent to marry is like going to the grocery store with no money. You either leave unhappy or take something that isn’t yours…


    The Tawkify Process: A Client’s Perspective

    Lately, the team has been challenged with the concept of “reviews.” It’s a bit unnatural for us to occupy the “review” space, as one of Tawkify’s main cornerstones is client privacy. We don’t want our client’s to compromise their privacy to share about their experiences. However, we recognize that reviews are an integral component in the decision-making process as people consider working with us…


    Dating Instruction Roundup, Volume III

    There is a profound authenticity to meeting someone as you are – as they are – for the first time – especially when you least expect it. In that moment you are discovering another person, figuring out in realtime who they are and – if you’re lucky – sensing that mysterious alchemy of burgeoning interest, maybe attraction…


    What Is “Manhood” To The Modern Man?

    Manhood is loosely defined. The simple definition pinpoints qualities such as strength and courage as indicators of manhood. But…are we discussing a strong physical body or strength of character? Courage in the face of environmental danger or emotional grit…


    The Intricacies of Playing “Hard To Get”

    We have been performing the cat and mouse act with potential mates for centuries. While many argue the art of being enigmatic and demur is attractive–do we really know that is true? Stanford PhD Jayson Jia, and his associates, embarked on a scientific expedition to determine whether this widely accepted dating practice was actually bona fide…


    Dating Instruction Roundup, Volume II

    Attraction is surely a fickle beast, but science has proven that intelligence attracts– and humor implies intelligence. Geoffrey Miller and Dr. Gil Greengross’s recent paper on the importance of humor in mating, asserts that humor is indeed an indicator of mate quality and mental fitness…

    A Broken Heart

    Dating Instruction Roundup, Volume I

    Since launch in June 2015, Heartalytics has published A LOT of great advice, research and original storytelling. As editor, I felt it would be helpful to our readers to create a monthly snapshot of past content. This isn’t just any past content, of course…  Look to these snapshots for quick, no nonsense tips that get right to the heart of the matter…a dating instruction roundup, if you will.  Enjoy these short, sage snippets of input and encouragement on us…

    A Broken Heart

    Are Your Love Blinders On?

    Think about the past several relationships you’ve been in. Why did they end? Think back to the first time you met and the 2-3 dates that immediately followed. If you’re really honest with yourself, did you see any red flags? Ones that, unfortunately, you ignored? Why do we do this? Falling in love is a rush — but you are still you…


    The Art & Science of Love Delivery, a Q&A

    Last week, I sat down with Julia Armet – Tawkify’s magnetic Director of Operations. She was one of our first matchmakers upon the company’s founding. She is fun, sharp, and a wiz at her job! Heartalytics readers, meet Jules… 

    A Broken Heart

    Dating Tangentials

    Do you ever feel like a part of the reason why dating has not worked for you in the past is because, well, you don’t really like dating…? I’m specifically referencing cookie-cutter dating – and let’s be honest the average person has been on too many dinner dates to count on 3 hands. So why not shake it up? This is an element of Tawkify I dearly love – our date designs. A Philly client recently met his match for a salsa dancing class at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  We’ve sent clients out to burlesque shows, pop-up art exhibits and festivals. And, why not?!  While someone doing all the hard work for you is GLORIOUS – you can also resolve to date differently on your own…


    Defy Single Shaming & Speak Up!

    Single vs. Alone: these two concepts are not synonymous. Single shaming is a real issue that many singletons experience daily- from family, coworkers and friends. So, let me clear the air:  Your relationship status does NOT make or break your success as an individual– and anyone who says otherwise is misguided.

    Get Started Toward Your Last First Date

    Try Tawkify today. We only accept candidates we believe we can match.