From the Experts

Unlock mindful dating with advice from expert matchmakers. Understand healthy expectations and debunk common myths about finding your person.
From the Experts

The Most Common Things I Hear as a Matchmaker – Dating Advice

Matchmaking to us means meeting you where you are and putting in a concerted, data- and intuition-driven effort to find someone awesomely compatible with you. Our process also involves discussing your nice-to-haves and must-haves with you, sometimes ranking them, and sometimes challenging them. Working to help you in establishing and furthering your relationship goals and […]

Boundaries in dating are key! Learn how to communicate needs & respect partners for healthy relationships.
From the Experts

The Importance of Setting Boundaries in Dating

Whether you’re out playing the field, or snuggling every Thursday-Sunday on the couch with your beau, you might have considered where and which healthy boundaries in relationships come into play. As you find yourself dating with intention, setting boundaries in dating might be the very thing needed to maintain a sense of independence, feel seen, […]

Are blind dates a good idea? Yes! Find out why going on blind dates can reduce dating fatigue, help you find meaningful connections, and give you the best chance at finding love.
From the Experts

12 Reasons Why Blind Dates Are a Good Idea

For many people, the term “blind date” means something from the past, but what if we told you that blind dating is still a modern way of finding love? Blind dates can be some of the best ways to meet people without dating apps—but that’s only one of the many benefits!  It’s true that blind […]

Explore professional matchmaking for busy singles: a personalized, efficient way to find love tailored to your busy lifestyle.
From the Experts

Professional Matchmaking for Busy Singles

Dating in today’s world is a time-suck that requires proficiency with technology. Even if you don’t meet on an app, no one seems to want to talk on the phone anymore. Texting has no voice inflection and miscommunications, and unnecessary turn offs are common. You can waste hours swiping and texting and never even get […]

Gay dating advice: a guide on finding love, navigating differences, and building connections.
From the Experts

Dating as a Gay Man – Advice from a Matchmaker

While I’m happy to work for people of all walks of life here at Tawkify, I spent the very first few years concentrating exclusively on matching gay men. I’ve worked for gay men of every shape, color, age, and net worth across the US, and I’ve learned a lot. I’ve observed trends in thought and […]

Dating as a woman in your 30s, 40s, and 50s? Tawkify's matchmaking offers personalized guidance to find love that lasts. Let's start your journey.
From the Experts

Dating as a Woman in Your 30s, 40s, and 50s

As a woman who has dated in my 30’s, 40’s, and now 50’s, I assure you dating is different as you age.  Your wants, needs, and desires are ever evolving so how to find your person does too. Whether you’re single again after a breakup, still looking for your husband, or just re-entering the dating […]

Ditch the "must-haves" and unlock real connection. Learn how values & self-reflection can help you find your person.
From the Experts

Non-negotiables vs. Preferences When Dating, According to Expert Matchmaker

Your inquiry: seeking early-mid 30s, athletic, skier, independently wealthy, highly emotionally available and intelligent, 6ft +, never married, amenable to having children soon. Must have a terminal degree. Must speak English, French, and Mandarin. Christian, but should not be a church go-er. Apolitical, bi-racial preferred. Should have a strong relationship with family. No emotional baggage. […]

Tools men can use to find love in 2024. Dating coaches for men help boost confidence, clarity, and relationship success.
From the Experts

Dating Coaches for Men

As society changes, the traditional roles men play are also, thankfully, changing. As fun as it might have been to be in charge of everything and never be allowed to cry, the playing field is leveling and offering us some serious opportunities for reflection. And with life, work, and expectations shifting around, so does dating. […]

Discover how dating coaches can transform your journey to relationship success, empowering you with confidence, clarity, and skills to find lasting love.
From the Experts

Dating Coaches for Women

You don’t know what you don’t know. That’s the biggest reason you need a dating coach. Women often come to me for dating advice saying, “I know I’m doing something wrong; I just don’t know what it is.” I think that’s very true for most people. Women hoping to find their future spouse don’t want […]

Explore unique ways to celebrate love this Valentine's Day, from self-care to community involvement. Discover joy in every connection.
From the Experts

Alternative Non-Romantic Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Modern, conscious living offers us the opportunity of challenging traditions and customs, or at least trying to understand them. However you may be celebrating this February 14th–aptly named Singles Awareness Day, Palentine’s Day, and Galentine’s Day–we’re here to make sure this rose, by whichever other name–smells just as sweet. We’ll provide context and ideas for […]

Considering matchmaking? Read our guide on its pros and cons to see if it's the right choice for your dating journey.
From the Experts

Pros and Cons of Matchmaking Services

We’ve moved from a time where people once greeted the idea of online dating with a level of skepticism to viewing it very much as a social norm, and a number of services have been curated to accommodate for niche interests and dating styles. In an attempt to date with intention, many people download more […]

Get ready to turn nerves into excitement with our essential guide on preparing for a blind date, and step into your next romantic adventure with confidence!
From the Experts

Preparing for a Blind Date – Everything You Need to Know

The last decade was a massive turnover for dating overall. Since the first apps started an online revolution, most people will say that going on a date became so simple and easy. There are so many choices, possibilities, and options. Well, as much as it seems simple and easy it is also terrifying at the […]

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