All Dating and Relationship Articles

A Broken Heart

Does Healthy Dating lead to Healthy Unions?

Recently, Huffington Post published, “20 Secrets of Happily Married Couples.” We liked the oft-shared pearls of wisdom from all sorts of people in committed relationships: * Never go to bed angry (of course, we’ve got mixed-research on this one.) * Never lose your sense of humor (assuming you had one in the first place)…


Happy New Year!

As we welcome 2016, let’s celebrate love! Cheers to all who have found it, and all who still seek. Best wishes, Kenneth Shaw, CEO and all of your friends at Tawkify


Partridge in a “Pair” Tree

We’re keeping it short this week because, let’s be honest, everyone is exhausted from all the parties, food and holiday spirit. We stumbled upon this photo and it immediately made us think about duos- in all their forms. Humanity craves the pair…

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: The May-December Romance

These tidbits of insight usually end up being funny and informative- and everyone can benefit from a little extra matchmaker expertise! You can find this series tagged as “Matchmaker Says,” if you would like to read more. A recent reader came to us with a topic that films, books and researchers have examined for decades – […]


The 12 Days of Tawkify- Hot One Day Deals. Ho Ho Ho!

The 12 Days of Tawkify has kicked off! We’re sending surprise emails each day leading up to December 25 with a sleigh-full of treats, FREE stuff, awesome package deals and special offers – some with limited quantities…

Learn how to cope with and get over a breakup during the holidays with these helpful tips. You’ll also find out why people break up this time of year and even ways to avoid it.

5 Best Ways to Get Over a Breakup During the Holidays

Trying to get over a relationship during the holidays can be difficult. The focus this time of year is on togetherness, romance, coziness, and getting into the merry spirit of the holiday season—so it’s especially tough when you’ve had to say goodbye to the person who you wanted to experience all of these things with.  […]

Bridget Jones met her Mark at a Christmas party. Wearing that hideous “jumper” and all. She was a hot mess, yet he and she found themselves intrigued/compelled and, well… the rest is fictional history. Is this a universal love fantasy? That you’ll meet your one true love over a turkey carcass or passing a platter of latkes?

The Heart Beat: In Search Of Mr. (or Mrs.) Darcy

Bridget Jones met her Mark at a Christmas party. Wearing that hideous “jumper” and all. She was a hot mess, yet he and she found themselves intrigued/compelled and, well… the rest is fictional history. Is this a universal love fantasy? That you’ll meet your one true love over a turkey carcass or passing a platter of latkes?


Should You Be Alone Under The Mistletoe?

If you’re a dater, or in a newish relationship, the holiday social circuit poses a certain dilemma: To bring the new guy/gal or not to bring. Should you bring a plus one who isn’t your regular squeeze or committed partner to “your” holiday events?…


Defy Single Shaming & Speak Up!

Single vs. Alone: these two concepts are not synonymous. Single shaming is a real issue that many singletons experience daily- from family, coworkers and friends. So, let me clear the air:  Your relationship status does NOT make or break your success as an individual– and anyone who says otherwise is misguided.


A Blessing Or A Warning

Can a life or a relationship be boiled down to a pithy one liner? Could any of your past relationships be characterized in this way? And if so, who decides in retrospect? Does it boil down to choice or interpretation, or both…

A Broken Heart

Don’t Get Crushed

When you have a serious crush, it’s a feeling like no other. You catch yourself smiling for no reason and your world feels lighter, somehow sparkly. Thinking about your crush, you’re elated. Like a person with a magical secret. You could fly around your kitchen! It’s wonderful… and nerve wracking.  Falling for someone new is often a time of extreme energy and wonder mixed with goodly portions of self-doubt and anxiety. You’re smitten. Enchanted. Utterly charmed. Now what? During this fantastically magic time, try to keep the following in mind…

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